Hire Verified Remote Angular Developers for a Full-time Job
6nomads is a hiring platform for top remote Angular Engineers around the world. We match you with candidates relevant to your tech stack, time zone and salary to help you find the best engineer for your team.
How it works
Fill out the job card

Give us the information to help the matching algorithms show you the most relevant candidates based on salary, time zone, required skills, experience, and other criteria.
Browse relevant candidates
In the talent profiles, you will find everything you need: their skills, work experience, assessment results, and even short video interviews.
Communicate easily on the platform
Send an invitation to the candidates you liked in a couple of clicks, chat with them on the platform, and schedule the interview.
Pay only after successful hiring
You don't pay anything until you find the perfect employee. If then you realize the candidate is not a good fit, we will replace them or refund within a probation period.
What is the average salary of a Angular Developer?
According to PayScale, the average base salary for Angular Engineers in the United States is $ 72,348 per year. There is quite a difference in wages from city to city and across regions, of course. So you can define the approximate salary by region for a Front-end Engineer using the GitLab Compensation Calculator.

On 6nomads at the moment, the range of PHP Developers' desired salaries varies from $ 35 000 and to $ 63 000 a year.

Remote hiring lets you hire a strong, experienced engineer cheaper than it is possible in your area. A lot of successful companies have long been done this way, for example, established remote tech companies, many of those you know for sure. If you want to follow their example, we recommend you to read our research "How to hire remote engineers like inVision, GitLab and Automattic do?".
What are the skills required for Angular Developer?
— An understanding of Core JavaScript.

 — In-depth knowledge of the Angular framework.

 — Good command of TypeScript.

 — Thorough knowledge of web markup, primarily focusing on HTML language, and CSS, a firm understanding of elements interaction and positioning, as well as UX concepts.

 — A degree of experience with RESTful API integration.

 — Knowledge of adjacent technologies (Node and Webpack).
How does 6nomads verify Angular Developers?
We verify Angular Developers' knowledge using the quiz created with the help of CTO and Team Leaders from top tech companies. And to evaluate developers' skills objectively we use the HackerRank coding challenge.

Only developers who successfully pass both stages get to the platform.
How to hire remote Angular Developer legally?
How to deal with the legal aspect of hiring from abroad, you decide for yourself. We only give two ways to solve this issue: hire full-time employee or hire full-time contractor. We certainly don't consider freelancing or outsourcing and do not advise you to do it.
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How to Hire a Great Remote Angular Developer