— I've got a little research, and I know that you are a native of Massachusetts. And the first question is, how you turn out to live in Ireland? Why did you choose it?
— I ended up here, like a lot of people end up here — I married an Irish girl.
I met my wife in London when I was working for Apple. We moved over to Cupertino shortly after and had kids there. We lived in Massachusetts for a little while and the moved back to Cupertino. And we moved over to Ireland mostly for the schools and because the general area allowed a bit more freedom for the kids.
We liked the pace of life here, it's a bit slower, and it's great. I've gotten to spend a ton of time with the kids that I didn't have when I was working in Silicon Valley. It was 24/7 around the clock there, which is fun when you're young. But when you have kids and a wife, you want to spend time with them, too. So that's how we wound up here, and we've landed in a beautiful spot.
— You worked at Apple for a while, and right now, you've been developing your programming school for children. So how's it been going? And why did you decide to do that?
— I've always liked teaching kids, and it started with me teaching my own kids when they were younger, how to program in Logo, Basic and the stuff that I started with. And they liked it.
I did some training for Apple in Swift, and I like Swift playgrounds, especially for kids. I think it's amazing. So when we all had to stay home from school and work, I said, well, I'm going to take my lunch hour and focus on training the kids online and go through some of the playgrounds that teach you how to code and then see how far we get, see if we can build apps.
And it's been unreal, it's been so much fun. I come downstairs after doing the session, and they're like, "Oh, look, we're building this game!", "This is what I've done with the code that you've taught today!", "We're building a game / an aquarium app!". And it's awesome. I love it.
— I know you did some kind of daily activities like Twitch streams for kids learning to program, writing books. Do you yourself come up with all these ideas?
— Yeah, because I've done training in the classroom with the kids, especially during EU Code Week. I go into the classrooms, hand out iPads or other devices, and we work with the kids on coding in the classroom.
I wanted to do the same thing, but online. After talking with my wife and the kids, they were like, "Oh, we'd love to try that out. Let's do it on Twitch!" And that's been fun going through that process with them. I love using coding as a creative tool -- most of what I do, whether it's writing books, apps, or material for classes, is all about the creative process.