Until recently, it seemed that remote work is something completely new and fresh. Today, for many, it is daily life.
Now there are a huge number of articles, podcasts, interviews, blogs on various aspects of remote work. And all the same, there are many disputes, myths, misconceptions around. Remote evangelists can argue about whether asynchronous or synchronous work is more productive, whether it is necessary to turn on the video at team meetings, and many other things.
The phenomenon is still young and cannot be said that it was finally formed when the main tools on which remote work is based appeared quite recently.
It is all the more interesting to observe the evolution of the idea of remote work, as from the idea of the future it has become our everyday life, with its problems, difficulties and, of course, advantages.
For those who want to understand the topic seriously and prevent a lot of mistakes the founders of remote companies have already learned from, we recommend choosing a suitable conference (there are not so many of them yet), so that in a short time to absorb the intense flow of information and get down to business, being armed with actual knowledge.