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Connect with engineers you'll never find on job boards

* Only for remote jobs
* All candidates go through a 3-step verification process: a programming quiz, a coding challenge, and a video interview
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Here's how it works
Post a job
Specify location, required skills, salary, and years of experience.
Get 6 verified candidates in 72 hours
Candidates apply specifically for your job and pass the 3-step verification process: a programming quiz, a coding challenge, and a video interview.
Follow your usual recruitment process
Speak to candidates directly, set up interviews, and hire them the way you're used to.
Trusted by
This is what a talent profile looks like
Traditional resumes often don't tell you about the talent objectively. First, talent doesn't always know how to create a good resume, and second, resumes are mainly based on work experience.
We point out the talent's strengths and weaknesses based on a thorough technical skills assessment.

  • Filters for searching by skills, experience, time zone/location combinations;
  • No need to search, relevant candidates come to you;
  • Access to 6+ carefully vetted engineers.
per 6 candidates
What is 6nomads?
6nomads is a remote-focused job platform, where talented developers and successful startups find each other in the shortest possible way.
What types of engineers are in your talent pool?
— Full-stack Engineers
— Front-end Engineers
— Back-end Engineers
— Mobile Engineers
— DevOps Engineers
— QA Engineers
— Game Developers
— Data Scientists
    Where do you find candidates?
    We have been working on a solution for matching companies with relevant remote professionals for a long time. Therefore, 6nomads has already become a community of strong developers, too. Therefore, talent that is looking for a new exciting project returns to our platform first.

    We have also learned how to quickly and efficiently attract new engineers to our platform, meaning we can reach exactly those who are willing and able to work for your company.
    How do you screen candidates?
    Firstly, we have initial minimum requirements for talent.
    They are as follows:
    • 3+ years of experience
    • B1+ English level
    • LinkedIn profile or CV
    • Profile on Github / GitLab / Bitbucket
    • Willingness to work remotely

    Then candidates, who meet these requirements, go through 3 review stages before entering the platform:
    • programming quiz, compiled by our experts;
    • coding challenge on the HackerRank technical assessment platform;
    • video interview.

    The technical review results and video interviews are available on the talent pages. You can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of talent by looking at their profiles before setting up a technical or product interview.
    How can I employ candidates I find on 6nomads?
    You can hire the way you used to, if it suits the candidate, of course. Contact the talent directly, because 6nomads does not act as an intermediary between you.
    Are there any guarantees?
    For this rate, we charge only for matching your opening to 6 verified candidates within 72 hours. However, we can not guarantee that the candidate you choose will accept the offer or work for your company for the rest of their life.

    Suppose you prefer an individual approach, the support of a dedicated Account Manager, probation period guarantee, and you are willing to pay only after a successful hire? In that case, we recommend using another rate, called"Take care of my hiring, please".
    It costs just $360? Why?
    Yes, it looks incredible, but it's true.

    It became possible with our automated assessment system, which we meticulously worked on with experts for a long time. We have also earned a good reputation among remote engineers, which allows us to find the right candidates quickly.